Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 436

Chapter 436


Chapter 436: Consequences


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Unbeknownst to Aunt Yang, his intentions had grown so malicious that he was now plotting against her. Subconsciously, she felt averse to getting close to this young man.

However, with Gu Zi present, she felt obligated to save face for Ah Zhuang.

After all, she still had to work here for a while. Suppressing the discomfort in her heart, she said to Ah Zhuang, Thank you! Please express my gratitude to your mother on my behalf. I must get back to work now.

Gu Zi stuffed the braised meat into Aunt Yangs pocket and blocked her attempts to take it out. Theres no need for thanks, she said. If youre going to work in our shop in the future, you should Imow the taste of our food. How else will you promote it to the customers? The work in the hall can wait. Ah Zhuang, could you move those boxes of coal from the entrance?

Ah, this Yes, Ill do it right away. Ah Zhuang was taken aback by the sudden order, but he had no choice but to obey Gu Zi. After all, she was the bosss wife and had every right to command him.

He immediately abandoned his cart to move the boxes. As he turned to leave, he glanced at the bucket of water. It didnt matter; he could deliver it later.

Aunt Yang, having heard Gu Zis words, had no choice but to accept the meat. She took it out to eat, her hunger gnawing at her since she had only had a bowl of porridge before leaving the house that morning.

Gu Zi waited for Aunt Yang to finish eating. When she was about to deliver the water, Gu Zi stopped her, whispering, Dont deliver this water. Fill a new bucket instead. Dont ask why, just go and do it.

As Aunt Yang went to refill the water, Ah Zhuang emerged from the inside, having finished moving the goods. He was drenched in sweat. Seeing this, Gu Zi immediately took a ladle from the cart, scooped up some warm water from the wooden bucket, and handed it to Ah Zhuang. Youve worked hard, she said. I feel guilty for making you work as soon as I arrived. Have some water.

Ah Zhuang looked at the ladle of water the woman was offering him and was about to refuse. He knew there was something added to it. Drinking this water would inevitably lead to stomachaches and diarrhea. Without the antidote, it would take an hour or two to recover. He absolutely could not drink this water!

Why hadnt that old woman, Aunt Yang, delivered the water yet?

Ive just finished working, so its not good to drink water immediately, he said. Its perfectly fine for you to ask me to work. Theres no need to feel guilty.

Its all right.

Seeing his refusal, Gu Zi remained calm. She smiled and said, Then sit down and rest for a while before drinking. I can only ask you to help with some work after youve had a drink. Otherwise, I wouldnt feel right about it. Youre not rejecting my good intentions, are you? Or is it that the water isnt clean? Ill go ask Aunt Yang. 

Gu Zi knew, of course, that he would be reluctant to drink, but today he had dared to drug the water. He would have to face the consequences of his actions himself.

Ah Zhuang stared at the ladle of water, his lips tightly closed and his face somewhat pale. He felt unlucky, wondering why he had to encounter the boss lady on this particular day.

If he didnt drink the water now, everyone would be in trouble later. His persistent refusal might raise suspicions, and that would be troublesome.

The drug in the water wasnt lethal, at most it would cause him to make a few extra trips to the outhouse. In fact, this could work in his favor. When everyone else was suffering from diarrhea, they wouldnt suspect him. As long as he could get rid of Aunt Yang, the job would still be his, and the extra income would make the discomfort worthwhile!

Ah Zhuang quickly took the ladle of water and forced himself to drink, I am indeed very thirsty, thank you, sister-in-law!

As he drank, he caught a glimpse of Gu Zi watching him intently. A thought suddenly sprang up in his mind. The sister-in-law was always asking him to work and thanking him, as if she was trying to get close to him. Could it be that she was interested in him?

This wouldnt be strange in the countryside. Women, after all, found it hard to bear when their needs were not met. They needed the comfort of other men, and he had encountered such situations before. He knew very well that many women in the village coveted him for his robust physique, and some even had relationships with him that couldnt be made public.

However, he hadnt expected that his sister-in-law would be no exception.

Could it be that her husband, despite his tall stature, was not up to the task?

His sister-in-law must have been unsatisfied for a long time! If this was true, her waist, her buttocks were simply top-notch. If he could get involved with her, it would be a beautiful thing indeed!

Gu Zi found the mans gaze increasingly greasy and averted her eyes. She hadnt noticed before, but now that she was alone with him, she realized that Ah Zhuang was quite lewd, not the honest man he appeared to be.

Ah Zhuang put down the ladle, his stomach already beginning to react. If he continued to work here, he would likely soil his pants. Just as he was wondering what to say, he heard Gu Zi say, You can go on with your work..

